Do's and Don'ts for Beginner Cosplayers
Updated: Feb 20
Welcome to cosplay! If you're new to this, you probably have a lot of questions and might not know where to start. Whether you're hoping to be a master crafter, an influencer or a model, there's some do's and don'ts for beginner cosplayers you'll want to keep in mind.
Convention Do's and Don'ts
The following are things to do and not to do when cosplaying at a convention. It's applicable whether you're just attending for fun, putting on programming, competing or were invited to be a guest.

Pack a repair kit with you to fix damages while at the con
Remember to eat and hydrate throughout the event
Bring a handler to help you with your costume and schedule
Costest your costume before wearing it to the show to ensure it's comfortable and fits well
Take pictures of other cosplayers without permission
Harass or bully cosplayers and attendees
Be a sore loser about competition results
Be late for your scheduled programming or pre judging
Crafting Do's and Don'ts
If you're planning to make your costumes, consider the following do's and don'ts for beginner cosplayers:
Find tutorials and books to help you learn new techniques
Start with something small incase it doesn't turn out perfect the first try
Wear proper PPE for the materials you're crafting with
Credit sources and where you got your patterns from if you don't make your own
Visit local makerspaces to utilize their tools (sewing machines, Dremels, 3D printers) before making the investment yourself
Quit when you aren't immediately perfect at crafting. It takes time and practice to become a master level crafter
Purchase costume parts or full costumes and claim you made it yourself
Ask vaguely for help like "how do I cosplay?" Instead ask more focused questions so you can get a better answer such as "What type of fabric is this character using for the cloak?"
Social Media Do's and Don'ts
Looking to be an influencer with your costumes? Keep the following in mind:
Network with other cosplayers respectfully to create friendships and collaboration opportunities
Be consistent with your scheduling and content themes
Use trends and SEO to create quality content that generates traffic
Steal other people's content and pretend it's yours
Cyberbully other cosplayers or followers
Use F4F to build an inflated following rather than growing your page naturally
Being a new cosplayer can be very intimidating. With some helpful tips though, it can be easy to navigate and the community is always welcoming to newbies. The number one thing to consider, is be thoughtful and kind to others and you're sure to make new friends.
Share Your Cosplay Tips and Stories!
Getting started in the cosplay community can be nerve racking sometimes. We'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences when you were a new cosplayer, so please leave a comment below sharing your favorite social media and content tips.
Got more tips or advice for new cosplayers?
We want to hear from you! Share your experiences, tips, and stories with us. Your insights could be featured in an upcoming issue of Creative Cosplays Magazine, helping fellow cosplayers perfect their craft.
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