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Cosplay, Cancer, and Neurodivergence: My Journey of Strength and Advocacy

Writer's picture: Creative Cosplays MagazineCreative Cosplays Magazine

Updated: Nov 17, 2024

Written by Yasmeen Lee

I’m a 33-year-old neurodivergent cosplayer battling Cervical Cancer. In September of 2024, I was late diagnosed with Autism & ADHD. One week later, I found out I have Cervical Cancer. I love going to comic cons. It’s always been my safe space. But I never understood why I would have to leave early. I never understood why noises bothered me so much, why I felt so overwhelmed when no one was bothering me. Finding out I’m AuDHD changed my life and everything began to make sense. But, just when I finally began accepting my diagnosis, I learned I have cancer. 

Photo by @podas_photos

Looking at my life, I thought, I could live in this negative mentality, or I can be like my favorite heroes that I love to cosplay as and make a difference in this world! It is not spoken about enough on how to manage and survive a con event while being neurodivergent. There’s no tips or advice. It’s just ‘here’s a sensory room for you’. While the sensory rooms are a major key to surviving a con, there’s so much more to it than just a room. On my social media pages, I’ve begun making videos of things I bring with me that help me while being at a con event. Something else that isn’t talked about enough? Cervical Cancer and how to prevent it. There are so many young women who attend comic cons who most likely will skip their annual pap at their gyno because they don’t realize how truly important a papsmear is. If I wouldn’t have put mine off, I’m certain I could’ve avoided Cervical Cancer completely. 

Sabrina Carpenter photo by @studio210nj

Wanna know how cosplay saved me? When I cosplay as my favorite character, it brings out a side I never knew existed in me. It gives me strength, courage, and confidence. It reminds me that I’m dressed as my favorite hero and they would never ever stop fighting. They would keep going no matter how hard the battle is. I want to remind others that they’re not alone. Even that non-verbal person, they are seen too. They matter. Not all disabilities are visible but that will never make you any different. My only hope is to share my journey with others in hopes it will inspire and help them too. 

Thank you for reading my journey, and remember kindness is free. 

I urge you to also take a look at my social media pages. 

Instagram: yasmeenleeee

YouTube: @yasmeenleeee


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