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Cosplay 101
Tips, Tricks, Tutorials and More
to help you get started,
or to improve your cosplay skills
If you have a some tips, tricks, or techniques about cosplay that you would like to share with the community.
please let us know at
Tutorials from the CCM Family
PVC Mannequin
If you are looking for a way to display or store your cosplays? Build a mannequin our of PVC pipes to help out. For under $40 you can build one for yourself. Check out how in our video tutorial.

Infinity Gauntlet
Check out how you can make that cheap plastic Infinity Gauntlet that you bought look more realistic.

We want you to practice and master the cosplay craft. So we are offering you some template for FREE!
If you have templates that you'd like to share with the community, send them to
Donations are appreciated.

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